Have yourself a Hullabaloo this Christmas
Have yourself a Hullabaloo this Christmas
Hullabaloo Christmas at Guoco Tower is in full swing! We unveil what’s going down at Guoco Tower’s Urban Park.
In case you haven’t checked it out yet, the Hullabaloo Christmas event at Guoco Tower is in full swing at Guoco Tower’s Urban Park, delighting passers-by with kaleidoscopic colours, kinetic energy and awesome activities.
Organised in conjunction with the good folk at The Artground, the Hullabaloo Christmas event evokes the nostalgia, creativity and innocence of childhood.
The centrepiece of the event is a beautifully conceptualised play area and foam pit that invites visitors to take a break from their busy schedules, dive in and get creative. The brainchild of artist and visual illustrator Nur Aida Bte Sa’ad, this imaginative playscape takes inspiration from the rainbow obsession of her younger sibling (read the full story here, and check out the video).
Besides reliving their childhood days of romping on the playground, the young and the young at heart can also look forward to music performances and craft workshops for a good cause.
Be sure to pop by, and celebrate the season of giving by seeing the world with the wonderment of a child.
Gratitude and festive memories
We sit down with the collaborators, partners and organisers behind this heart-warming event, and quiz them about their fondest childhood memories, their favourite Christmas moments and the one thing they’re most grateful for this Christmas.

Roxanne—Spokesperson, Guoco Tower
Roxanne’s fondest festive memory
Christmas carolling with my friends from church… because I get to kaypoh at people’s houses and get to eat free food! But seriously, it’s really nice to be able to see smiles on people’s faces while carolling.
What Roxanne’s grateful for this festive season
Being part of Guoco Tower, and having the opportunity to help give back to the community. I think everyone wants to give back to the community, but some don’t know how to, or may not have the resources. What I see is that Guoco Tower can help to provide a platform to help in that regard.

Jia En—Visual Design and Exhibitions Manager, The Artground
There weren’t many gadgets when we were growing up, so I remember playing catching with my friends, having simple fun without the need for technology. Those memories are one of my fondest, because we were playing just using our imagination.
Jia En’s fondest festive memory
Christmas has always been a family event: We’d bring out the Christmas tree, get together…my sister and I would take turns each year to lead in the decoration. We’d go for ornament shopping with my family along Orchard Road to get inspiration, and then craft the things we’d like be unique and to fit the theme.
What Jia En is thankful for this year
This Christmas…having the opportunity to present Hullabaloo here at Guoco Tower. We’re really grateful that they gave us this opportunity to make an extension of the Hullabaloo Show at The Artground, and we hope that those who visit will feel joy this season, and pass it on to their friends.

Gerald and Joshua—Music Instructors, Believer Music
Their favourite festive memories
Getting gifts for Christmas! –Laughs- Ok lah, I suppose that was my favourite thing as a child. But now as an adult, with nieces and nephews of my own, it’s wonderful to be the one that’s giving out the presents.
What they’re grateful for this year
We’re grateful for the opportunities to help people learn the beauties of music—What music can bring across in expressing emotions. Music helps in both the good times and the bad—I don’t even see it as a job sometimes, because there’s so much meaning in guiding people to learn [about music].