Guoco Tower Gives Back This Christmas
Guoco Tower Gives Back This Christmas
Guoco Tower and the Boys’ Brigade team up to give back to the community. Here’s how you can participate!
Looking to spread good cheer this Christmas season? Be sure to drop by the Urban Park to help the Boys’ Brigade share a gift with the community.
If you’ve been at Guoco Tower’s Urban Park over the past month, chances are that you’ve had the chance to enjoy a whole slew of lifestyle activities.
More than just fun and festivities though, Christmas is a season of giving. As part of the Tanjong Pagar Gives Back movement, Guoco Tower has teamed up with the Boys’ Brigade to bring the festive cheer to the less privileged this Christmas.
Here’s the lowdown on the past month’s Christmas festivities at Guoco Tower, and how you can help spread the love this festive season.
Good Cheer and Festive Celebrations
Visitors the Guoco Tower’s Urban Park this Christmas were treated to a range of exciting activities amidst the urban greenery.
These include weekend workshops, an illuminated ball pit that’s been a hit with families and festive shopping at Kira Kira Wanderland—a Japan themed gifts & travel fair.

Guoco Tower and The Boys' Brigade Give Back
If you’ve visited the Urban Park over the last couple of weeks, chances are that you’ve spotted a booth manned by members of the Boys’ Brigade.
To foster a sense of community and charity, Guoco Tower has teamed up with the lads from the organisation to share gifts with less privileged members of society. If you’re looking to contribute, here’s all you need to know about this project:

1. How Share-a-Gift Works
Share-a-Gift is part of the Boys’ Brigade’s bid to bring cheer to the less fortunate and inculcate the spirit of sharing among Singaporeans.
The annual project reaches out to individuals under the Public Assistance and Short-to-Medium Term Assistance schemes, and sees Boys’ Brigade members collecting wishes from them. These wishes are then displayed at various collection centres, where members of the public can fulfil them (which is where you come in!).

2. Boys' Brigade To The rescue
Don’t let the organisation’s name fool you: The Boys’ Brigade—Guoco Tower’s partner in this project—are old hands at community service. The Share-A-Gift programme started over 2 decades ago in 1998, and managed to reach out to over 41,000 beneficiaries with Share-A-Gift last year.

3. Big Hearts, Bigger Numbers
In 2018 alone, The boys’ brigade managed to help close to 7,000 needy families with their Share-A-Gift programme. It’s no mean feat, as the annual event typically mobilises around 3,500 BB officers, and hundreds of volunteers.

4. How To Share a Gift This Christmas
Every little bit helps when it comes to charity. If you’re looking to donate, you can choose to give either a general gift of consumable food items, or a specific gift.
The latter is a gift requested by one of the beneficiaries, and could be anything from diapers to educational toys for children with special needs.
To make your donation, drop by the Boys’ Brigade booth at Guoco Tower’s Urban Park. The donation drive will be happening until 17 December 2019, and visitors can drop their gifts off from 11.30am to 7.30pm.